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TasteBud Final Presentation (3).png


Become comfortable with trying new foods at your own pace


What is TasteBud all about?

TasteBud is an IoT device with both a handheld and stationary component designed to encourage picky eaters to try new foods utilizing goal setting, physical reminders, and reflection.  

TasteBud Final Presentation (6).png

How does it work?

Our users say...

Katie, 24

"The fact that it was in front of me throughout the day was like a little person who kept reminding me - try it, why not"

Ori, 21

"I wanted to turn the joystick so I would have that feeling of pride. I tried lettuce in a salad just so I could report my success"

Michal, 19

״The lights of the device accompany me almost like a meditation. It calms me down and makes me feel like someone is holding my hand״

Meet our team

Read Our Blog!

Where we post weekly updates of the process in the way to make TasteBud happen!

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