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Demo Pitch Triumph, Component Enhancements, and Film Progress

This week was filled with significant milestones and progress for our team!

The highlight of the week was our participation in a demo pitch at the laboratory, where we had the opportunity to present our product to a diverse group of industry professionals. The feedback we received was overwhelmingly positive, providing us with valuable insights and inspiring us to strive for continuous improvement.

After the demo pitch, we collected the final print of the year from the printer, which had taken an impressive 40 hours to complete. With the components in hand, we embarked on reassembling them.

One notable achievement was successfully screwing the joystick onto the mobile component. Previously, it had been glued, leading to occasional movement and operational issues. Now, it sits firmly in place, ensuring stable and reliable performance.

In the stationary component, we successfully connected the rails of the LED ring, resulting in a perfect fit. The LEDs are precisely spread out as we envisioned, creating a visually appealing display.

On top of these accomplishments, we managed to capture some final shots for our upcoming film and began and finished the editing process. We can't contain our excitement to share the final film with you!

Looking ahead, we are focused on making recent updates, enhancing our website, and preparing for the upcoming closing event. With presentations and continuous improvements on the agenda, we are dedicated to delivering an outstanding experience.



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