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Research, Scriptwriting, and Technological

Hey there! Welcome to our weekly blog update. We've had an exciting week packed with presentations, scriptwriting, and technological advancements. Let's dive in and share the highlights of our journey!

Our week began with a presentation on the extensive research behind every component and interaction found in our devices. We explored various elements that impact users' self-efficacy and emphasized the importance of self-monitoring and feedback. We also discussed the purpose of reminders to create awareness and prevent the automatic system from taking control of users' choices throughout the day.

In addition to our research, we dedicated a lot of time to writing the script for our final film, which will be filmed next week. Simultaneously, we crafted a script for an upcoming demo pitch, scheduled in two weeks. This pitch presents a valuable chance to gain knowledge, receive advice, and obtain feedback from industry professionals.

On the technological front, we encountered a few challenges when one of the Arduinos stopped working. However, our team persevered and made progress in improving the visibility of the LEDs on our stationary device. We aimed to create a diffused visibility to avoid the individual bulbs being too prominent. Using cardboard, we constructed a rail with two rings, elevating the LED ring and minimizing any smearing effect caused by proximity to the device. Seeing the success of this solution, our next step is to design a 3D-printable model to replace the cardboard prototype.

That wraps up our exciting week! Stay tuned for more updates as we continue our journey of innovation and development.



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