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Building Better Objects: A Week of User Testing, Design Tweaking, and Photographic Documentation

In the past week's project, we have continued working on our main objectives: the stationary object and the mobile object.

For the stationary object, we focused on user testing, particularly on the visual aspect, with an emphasis on how the weekly reflection is presented. We wanted to ensure that the representation of the weekly reflection was intuitive and easy to use for the user.

Through user testing, we identified areas for improvement and made adjustments to the design accordingly. Finally, after analyzing the experiment results, we chose a round element that corresponds to the shape and "language" of the mobile element.

Following this, we made a change to our printed model. Here are the results:

Moving on to the mobile object, we placed more emphasis on the technological aspect. We started by changing the type of board to improve functionality and ensure that the object was equipped to handle different vibration functions. We also replaced the electronic board and made necessary adjustments in the laboratory!

We developed various vibration functions for user testing, specifically to configure "alerts." Through testing, we were able to identify the most effective type of alert for different use cases.

Additionally, we developed a "sleep mode" for the mobile object to prevent "false documentation" during the day and save energy. We wanted to ensure that the object was only documenting information when necessary, and that it wasn't wasting energy in the process.

In addition, for the sake of quality and orderly documentation of the overall process, this week we took photographs documenting the "evolution" of the product, The photos are included below.:

Towards the end, we started building the script for the concluding film of the project, very exciting! Looking forward to continuing the process!

Overall, our work process involved a lot of user testing and iterative design to ensure that both objects were functional and intuitive to use. We were able to make adjustments along the way and address potential issues before they became major problems.



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