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Driving Progress: Usability Testing, Object Development, and Project Film

This week marked significant progress as we continued our efforts in usability testing, object development, and concluding the project's film.

Usability testing involved introducing the mobile object to picky eaters, allowing them to carry it with them throughout their day. The tests revealed that the constant presence of the object served as a reminder to report their experiences and subtly encouraged them to conduct experiments, fostering their active participation. Notably, one participant shared how the object prompted her to include lettuce in her salad, despite her usual aversion to it.

Technological advancements were also made, particularly in the mobile component. We replaced the existing controller with a more suitable alternative in terms of size and options available through the analog pins. This transition required significant changes to the code and the soldering of components to the board. The integration of analog pins enabled the creation of a smoother and more continuous LED display when using the joystick, a significant improvement over the previous quarter-based rotation. Additionally, we introduced a battery and wireless charging capability to the mobile component.

Moving forward, our focus will be on connecting the mobile and stationary components to enable charging when the devices are docked. Furthermore, we implemented a code update that tracks the number of rotations performed in the component. Upon connecting to Wi-Fi, this data is uploaded to a database for retrieval and utilization by the stationary component.

Progress on the stationary component centered around refining the LED display for the reflection process and exploring the detection of the connection to the mobile component.

Looking ahead, our plans for the next week involve designing both the mobile and stationary components based on insights from usability tests and technical considerations. In particular, we will address options for securing internal components, such as the joystick and LED ring, in the mobile component. Similarly, we will ensure the stationary component provides adequate fixation capabilities.

In conclusion, this week has been filled with noteworthy achievements in usability testing, object development, and project finalization. By incorporating user feedback, advancing our technology, and refining our designs, we are steadily moving closer to our goals. Stay tuned for more updates on our exciting journey!



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