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Empathy Map

After last week we presented a class presentation in which we showed our "how might we" question, we left with several points to go over and emphasize regarding the closing of our first diamond.

This week we decided, according to the points we received, to delve further into the theoretical background and understood the essence of our problem in depth. We learned about picky eating, the seriousness of the problem and the way in which it is demographically spread over the world's population.

In addition, we filled out the empathy map in order to empathize and think about the problem through the eyes of our users.

We also conducted additional interviews with end users, picky eaters, and even went back to the people we had already interviewed in the past to deepen the problems we are focusing on, eating and experiences dealing with food in social situations.

All of these helped us reach new insights, and therefore we formulated our question in a more focused and in-depth manner:

How Might We help Daniel, a picky eater, get over his fear of new foods and improve his relationship with food, as a result make social eating outside his home easier.



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