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Enhancing User Experience and Performance: Fine-Tuning Our Mobile and Stationary Devices

Updated: May 28, 2023

We've spent the past week fine-tuning our mobile and stationary devices in preparation for an upcoming print run. Our main focus has been on optimizing the core functionality to ensure a smooth user experience and improved performance.

We've improved the accuracy of the mobile device's joystick, allowing for smoother and wider movement when rotating the device. In addition, we made adjustments to the mobile device, flattening its back to allow stable placement on tables and inside the accompanying stand on the stationary device. Furthermore, internal latches have been incorporated to securely hold the LED ring in place, preventing any unnecessary movement.

Moving on to the stationary device, our goal was to create a user-friendly interface that simplifies interaction. We tested different approaches, considering the use of magnets or a pressure-sensitive button to provide immediate feedback when the mobile device is placed on the stationary one. This intuitive mechanism ensures correct alignment and starts the loading process smoothly.

We adopted a magnet-based connection between the devices, which activates a white light to indicate a successful connection to the Wi-Fi network. This connection enables the seamless extraction of relevant data from our extensive database, including the number of trials conducted per day, cumulative trials per week (not including the current day), and progress towards weekly goals.

In addition to these device upgrades, in our search for an improved visual experience, we turned our attention to the lighting system inside the stationary device. We will try to achieve a diffused lighting effect, eliminating the appearance of the individual LED bulb, by creating specially designed mounts for the LED ring.

The improved lighting system within the stationary device will feature a seamless and non-judgmental light display that visually celebrates users' achievements.



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