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Figuring Things Out

Following on from last week, this week we also deepened and developed our thinking towards the creation of our product, while paying attention to the emphasis given to us in class.

We have reached a number of aspects that we want to emphasize, and we tried to crack how to combine them into a physical product that has justification in the technological world.

We want to focus on three key points that the user faces, in order to give him the tools to deal independently with the difficulty of being exposed to new foods.

First, half an hour before the meal. It is important for us to focus on this moment to give the user a reminder that he must think and mentally prepare for the upcoming meal, so that the decision to choose what to eat will not surprise him and reduce his motivation to make the right choice.

Second - just before he starts eating, after he has already made the decision and the food is placed in front of him, it is important for us to return his attention to the fact that he is part of the process and integrate the product at this stage as well. This "ritual" creates habits and a routine for eating, and even attributes this meal to him as successful compared to others.

Third, we would like to focus on the reflection phase, after the meal. At this point the user will receive positive reinforcement, feed his feelings, and thus record his journey along the way.

At the moment we are having trouble deciding how our product looks and how it combines these three aspects physically and technologically. We were thinking of a wearable product (mainly for available and accessible monitoring throughout the day while constantly reminding to eat right), or alternatively something that is in the user's pocket and is not noticeable to their surroundings.

We sat and argued during the week about this a lot, but without significant progress. We arrive for this week with high motivation and curiosity to decipher how our product will look, and hope to help the lecturers for this purpose.

In this photo, you can see us BeingReal:)



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