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Paper model

Our team met this week to work on a paper model of our IOT object in the lab. After much deliberation, we came up with the idea of dividing the product into two distinct components: a portable component that users can carry with them throughout the day and a stationary component that stays at home. These two components connect when the user returns home, allowing a reflection of the progress throughout the process. Working together was fun and we were able to make progress in bringing the idea to life.

We also presented our paper prototype to potential users and received feedback on the design. Positive feedback included satisfaction with the interface between the mobile and stationary parts, and appreciation for the minimal and clean design. Negative feedback included confusion about the purpose and design of the mobile component, complaints of both components being too large, as well as questions about the display of the lights and the ability to adjust their brightness and color.

This feedback helps us identify areas for improvement, and make adjustments to the design and functionality of the product that will hopefully bring us closer to the perfect solution.



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