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Presenting Our Need

This week, we dove deeper into picky eaters. we researched the disorder further, and learned about the behaviors associated with picky eaters. The DSM-5, (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), describes 3 typical behaviors of ARFID (Avoidant restrictive food intake disorder), which can occur independently or in combination with each other: people with a lack of interest in food, sensory avoidance of food, or fear of the consequences of eating certain food.

From the interviews we picked out the main points to give us an idea of what the picky eaters main struggles are, understand their needs and see how and if they managed to overcome it. Based off of the interviewees' answers we built a persona which we will later use to empathize with our user.

In addition, we learned how it's currently being treated, which is either by a psychologist using CBT methods, or an app that helps track what the picky eater has or hasn't tried and how they reacted to it.

Based on all our research we formulated a question to define our user's needs:

How might we help Daniel, a picky eater, get over his fear of new foods and improve his relationship with food, and as a result make social eating situations easier?



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