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solution brainstorming #1

Updated: Dec 10, 2022

During the past week, in which we made the first presentation of the research and exploration process that we have carried out so far as part of the process we are going through, as part of the presentation, the faculty staff raised a number of essential questions that led us to further examination and deepening both about the “persona” we chose as our target audience and to assign improvements to our “How Might We” question.

Also, during the past week, we chose to invest some quality time in an essential and no less important issue - our group dynamics, we met for group recreation in order to strengthen the familiarity and interpersonal ties between the group members (unfortunately we had so much fun that we forgot to take a picture!)

Apart from that, during the past week, we focused our efforts on several key vectors:

First, we further deepened the theoretical background about the phenomenon in order to try and carry out a more accurate mapping of the end users we are targeting.

Meanwhile, we came to the understanding that at the ages of 4-6, 30-50% of children are considered picky eaters.

Another interesting fact is that 3.2% of the adult population is dealing with ARFID. That is, approximately 250,784,000 people in the world, 1 out of every 30. An extremely surprising figure!

In addition, we carried out further in-depth studies through 2 follow-up interviews with mature picky eaters to generate additional insights on the subject of the effect of the disorder on social situations when they eat outside their home.

After we finished the focusing process of our work process, we started another expansion which was reflected in raising many and varied ideas for solutions that may be relevant to address our target audience. The process of coming up with ideas was challenging and opened up new and special ways of thinking for us. We are looking forward to the coming weeks in which we will dive deep and choose the winning concept on the basis of which we will design and define the final product that will be launched during the year



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