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Solution Brainstorming #2

In class, we discussed how a personal assistant to a picky eater would look like during a typical day. We gave our picky eater a specific food issue (a tomato) to deal with and his personal assistant got to work on helping him succeed. The secret to success is slowly but surely, we can't expect our user to change overnight.

We realized we want our solution to follow a scale used to deal with anxiety through CBT, through slowly increasing the exposure of the user to his fear and only moving forward when the previous step no longer causes anxiety.

During the week, we analyzed products that we use and enjoy in order to pinpoint exactly what we like about them and better understand how we can use those positive points to create our solutions.

Here are just a few of the things we discovered:


Accessibility that isn't dependent on location

Constant tracking and follow-up

Multi sensory

In addition, we interview an additional 2 experts in the field:

1) A child nutritionist specializing in epidemiology and preventative medicine

We learned that for every picky eater, their motivation will be something completely different

2) A manager of an occupational therapy institute who treats patients using CBT

We learned that there are 2 ways of treatment, gradual or direct exposure



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