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Talking With End-Users

Updated: Nov 22, 2022

The domain we chose to focus on is picky eating. We learn that picky eating is usually classified as part of a spectrum of feeding difficulties. It is characterised by an unwillingness to eat familiar foods or to try new foods, as well as strong food preferences. The consequences may include poor dietary variety during early childhood.

This week, we continued our research and interviewed potential end users. We tried to find the specific needs and problems that the users raised. From the interviews, we found a number of key insights that will serve us going forward.

One of the interesting insights we came to is that all the interviews raised the issue of the appearance and smell of foods, and the connection they create between them and their taste. In fact, most of the interviewees stated that they do not taste foods that do not meet their standards in terms of appearance.

The interviews we held during the week clarified for us the prevalent problem in society with picky eaters, and the fact that this disorder may continue to develop even among older people, if not treated at a young age when it arises.

We expect to continue to delve deeper into this problem, the psychological aspects that cause and influence its existence, on our way to find an interesting technological solution that may help our end users.



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