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Testing, Testing, 1-2-3

Last week, we conducted eight usability tests, out of which five were performed using a slider and three using a dial.

Participants were asked to imagine a real-life situation where they experienced difficulty and share their experiences with us using the object we provided (either the sundial or the slider)

Our analysis of the results revealed that those who used the slider reported their experiences in a more personal and detailed way, while most of the participants who used the dial reported it in a binary manner. The reports were equally split between participants who reported using the object to show a feeling of success, and those who reported using the object to show a feeling of difficulty.

Based on our findings, we have decided to expand our testing and incorporate three different objects - a dial, a slider, and a clicker.

We also developed two new “features” to help with reporting using the dial.

The first is a redesigned potentiometer that is more user-friendly and convenient to use by covering the exposed hardware.

The second is a rotating wooden dial with a mark, which addresses the issue of user confusion regarding the scope of their reports.

Our team is excited to continue exploring user experiences with our product and to share our findings with you.



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